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Quakers believe every person has unique value and an Inner Light. We have the conviction that each person can have direct experience of God. Friends believe that no intermediary is needed between the individual and the Divine.

“The goal of a knowledge arising from love is the reunification and reconstruction of broken selves and worlds. A knowledge born of compassion aims not at exploiting and manipulating creation, but at reconciling the world to itself.” ~ Parker J. Palmer
“True silence is the rest of the mind; and is to the spirit, what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.” ~ William Penn, 1644-1718
“The Quakers have an excellent approach to thinking through difficult problems, where a number of intelligent and responsible people must work together. They meet as equals, and anyone who has an idea speaks up. There are no parliamentary procedures and no coercion from the Chair. They continue the discussion until unanimity is reached.” ~ Hyman G. Rickover