Interior BC Monthly Meeting – June 2022 Events
Wednesday, June 1
7pm – Worship Sharing on Zoom
Trevor Chandler will be hosting this Worship Sharing on the theme of “Membership”.
Sunday, June 5
10am – Meeting for Worship on Zoom
Meeting will open at 10 and last one hour. If you prefer a shorter online time, you may join later. There will be time for the sharing of joys and sorrows following the time of worship.
Thursday, June 9
7:30pm – IBCMM Parent’s group on Zoom
Saturday, June 11
10:30am – 1:30pm – Canadian Yearly Meeting for Worship for Business
All Friends/attenders within Canadian Yearly Meeting are welcome to attend. To find the documents you’ll need to review for the meeting, visit the business section of the CYM website (note: a login will be required).
Sunday, June 12
10am – Meeting for Worship – In-Person and Online
In-person worship will be held at John Howard in Kelowna (map). Meeting will begin at 10 and there will be a Friend at the door to facilitate entry. Vaccination and masks are both required for attendance. The Zoom link will be available for those who wish to join the Meeting online.
11am – My Spiritual Journey – In-Person and Online
We currently do not have a speaker for this month. Please email Sarah Chandler if you would like to share your journey. These sessions are an opportunity for individuals to share how they live their faith, how they express it in the world and/or how they arrived at their current point.
Sunday, June 19
10am – Meeting for Worship on Zoom
Meeting will open at 10 and last one hour. If you prefer a shorter online time, you may join later. There will be time for sharing following the time of worship.
Thursday, June 23
7:30pm – IBCMM Parent’s group on Zoom
Sunday, June 26
10am – Meeting for Worship on Zoom
Meeting will open at 10 and last one hour. If you prefer a shorter online time, you may join later. There will be time for sharing following the time of worship.
11:35 – Meeting for Worship for Business
will be held on Zoom. The agenda will be circulated by email in the week prior.