Interior BC Monthly Meeting – May 2022 Events
Saturday, April 30 @ 10am – Diversity and Inclusion in Quaker Meetings. Hosted jointly by CYM Education and Outreach and the Woodbrooke Quaker Learning Institute in the UK this will be the first of three workshops on this topic. Registration is required and there is a cost.
Sunday, May 1 @ 10am – Meeting for Worship on Zoom. Meeting will open at 10 and last one hour, if you prefer a shorter online time, you may join later. There will be time for the sharing of joys and sorrows following the time of worship.
Sunday, May 1 @ 7pm – IBCMM Movie Night. Hosted by Donna Henningson. This month’s feature is ‘Quaker Peacebuilding in Africa – 2016 Swathmore Lecture with Cecile Nyiramana and Esther Mombo (running time 1:46:30)
Wednesday, May 4 @ 7pm – Worship Sharing. Graeme Hope will be hosting this Worship Sharing with the theme ‘God, certainties, and uncertainties’
Saturday, May 7 @ 10am – Diversity and Inclusion in Quaker Meetings. Hosted jointly by CYM Education and Outreach and the Woodbrooke Quaker Learning Institute in the UK this will be the second of three workshops on this topic.
Sunday, May 8 @ 10am – Meeting for Worship. In person worship will be held at John Howard in Kelowna (map). Meeting will begin at 10 and there will be a Friend at the door to facilitate entry. The Zoom link will be available, and the in-person meeting will be available online. Vaccination and masks are both required for attendance.
Sunday, May 8 @ 11am – My Spiritual Journey. Our speaker for this month is Donna Henningson. Please email Sarah Chandler is you would like to share your journey in the future. These sessions are an opportunity for individuals to share how they live their faith, how they express it in the world and/or how they arrived at their current point.
Thursday, May 12 @ 7:30pm – IBCMM Parent’s group on Zoom.
Saturday, May 14 @ 10am – Diversity and Inclusion in Quaker Meetings. Hosted jointly by CYM Education and Outreach and the Woodbrooke Quaker Learning Institute in the UK this will be the third of three workshops on this topic.
Sunday, May 15 @ 10am – Meeting for Worship on Zoom. Meeting will open at 10 and last one hour, if you prefer a shorter online time, you may join later. There will be time for sharing following the time of worship.
Sunday, May 22 @ 10am – Meeting for Worship on Zoom. If Alison is willing our link will be open but you may also choose to attend the WHYM Meeting for Worship.
Thursday, May 26 @ 7:30pm – IBCMM Parent’s group on Zoom.
Sunday, May 29 @ 10am – Meeting for Worship on Zoom. Meeting will open at 10 and last one hour, if you prefer a shorter online time, you may join later. There will be time for the sharing of joys and sorrows following the time of worship.
Sunday, May 29 @ 11:35am: Meeting for Worship for Business will be held on Zoom after Meeting for Worship. Sue will circulate the agenda in the week prior.